(27) Do you go to school (with, by, on) foot or____(with, by, on) bus?
(28) Wc hear____ (with, by, on) our ears and we can listen to the latest news
(with, by, on) the radio.
(29) Can you tell the story____ (by, with, in) English?
(30) This school has a long history. It is named (by, after, for)a famous doctor.
(31) 1'11 do it (by, with, in)a new way.
(32) The teacher came in,____ (by, with, in)a lot of exercise books in his hands.
(33) You are wanted (by, with, on) the phone.
(34) She takes care of her children (by, with, on) all her heart.
(35) What do you think (of, on, to) the film?
(36) We'll have some classes一 (about, of, on) computer program(计算机程序).
(37) The old man told me a lot of stories____ (about, of, on) his life.
(38) The professor(教授)is busy writing a paper一 (of, on, to) genetics(遗传学).
(39) Taiwan is a province(省) (of, in, to) China.
(40) The answers____ (of, in, to) the questions are on page 94.
(41) This dictionary is____(of, in, to) great use.
(42) Do you know the man一 (of, with, in) glasses?
(43) She can't write, s0 1 wrote the letter (to, at for) her (to, at, for)
her son.
(44) Why did you laugh _ (to, at, for) him?
(45) We must do our duty (to, at, with) our country.
(46) It's good _ (to, for, with) your health doing morning exercises every morning.
(47) I must be out for a moment, please keep the seat (to, for, at) me.
(48) Here is a postcard _ (to, for, from) you. Who mailed it (to, for, from) you?
(49) Don't leave what you should do (to, for, with) tomorrow.
(50) I don't agree (with, to, against) him. I'm strongly (with, to, against) his idea.
(51) How many of you are (for, to, against) the plan? ()h, so many. Let's do it.
(52) I don't know exactly the price (of, for, with) the house.
(53) This train can run _(at, by, on) a speed c速度) of 800 kilometers per hour.
(54) The production (产量) has risen (at, by, with) 30%.
(55) They are different (at, with, in) weight so the prices are (from, to, at) ten dollars _(from, to, at) 100 dollars.
(56) The farmer sold his fruit _ (at, with, for) two dallars a kilo and bought some medicine for his poor wife (at, with, for) eighty dollars.
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